Welcome to Lychee Slicer version 3

After half a year after a single update, it was time for us to release the new version of Lychee Slicer. And our existing users know how much we love providing frequent updates!

Lychee Slicer not only introduces new features like a brand new support engine for both automatic supports and manual supports, but also new 3D printers, new UI changes, a mesh fixing tool, a 3D printer simulator and so much more.

On top of the feature list, we change our business model and Lychee Slicer is now FREE for everyone. We also introduce a Pro version which is, in fact, advanced functions that you can unlock for a small fee.
The Free version is also displaying 3D printing-related advertising before exporting your slice while the Pro version will hide.

With this new business model, we hope that more 3D printer users will enjoy Lychee Slicer as much as we love developing it.

We want to share as well our new Discord server with you: it’s the perfect place to exchange with other 3D printer users, showcasing your prints, and being able to chat with the whole team. Discord is a powerful and free chat tool with a lot of great communities (and not only 3D printing-related!)

Publication date: July 29, 2020