Lychee Slicer 3.4 – What’s new!

We are proud to release Lychee Slicer 3.4, which continues our tradition of adding new features, improving core functions, and optimizing existing tools. Every day many new users, hobbyists, and professionals are joining the Lychee family, and we’re thrilled to be receiving more suggestions and feedback than ever before.

We love listening to all of your feedback and we use it to continue making Lychee Slicer the best tool for everyone to prepare their 3D prints.

In version 3.4 we’re rolling out several much requested new features, but we’ve also been focused on some significant and exciting new developments not visible to our users quite yet. However, you can expect to see these changes in the next round of public betas and of course the future stable releases. We’ve been working on even more new tools as well as changes in the interface that optimize your file preparation workflow.

If you wish to follow our development more closely and access our betas, we invite you to join our Discord server. Our Discord community is very active and most of the team is present daily alongside our users.

Resin compensation [Pro]

This is one of the most requested features, and we’re happy to announce that it’s here! It is now possible for Lychee Slicer to compensate for the resin shrinkage or expansion during curing. Commonly visible as “Elephant foot” the Resin compensation feature will counteract this effect that can be problematic for users printing directly on the build plate.

Because of the unique pixel pipeline in Lychee Slicer, the compensation is producing better results than other slicers.

Tip: Be careful to increase the support tip’s penetration value to avoid disconnection to the 3D model when using negative compensation!

“Elephant foot” effects models printed directly on the build platform, as shown on the left. The right print uses the new Lychee Resin compensation feature to eliminate this effect. Printed with the Photon Mono X and Anycubic Grey resin.

Note: for 3D printers that automatically add transition layers like the Photon Mono X, you can enter the number of layers added by the 3D printer in its settings in Lychee Slicer. For the Mono X, you can enter 10.

Scene scaling compensation [Pro]

Another way to compensate for the resin expansion/shrinkage is to do a horizontal scaling of the exported slice, usually used in the dental industry. It is now possible to do such scaling as an alternative to the resin compensation.

The Scene Scale Compensation and Resin compensation parameters are located in the Resin settings. Notice on this screenshot the negative value for the burn-in layers (overexposed layers) to compensate for the shrinkage of the resin. This setting has been used for the model in the photograph above.

Quick select of all the Mini-Support

Did you know that you can quickly select groups of supports based on their settings (added in version 3.2)? Now you can also select all the mini supports on a model. With these tools you can change your support settings like thickness, tip diameter, and more with just a few clicks.

The selection of mini supports in action! You can now tweak the diameter of the tip and base tip in just a few clicks.

Drain holes avoidance of Supports

Both the manual and automatic support engines have been updated to avoid drain holes in hollow models, reducing the risk of cut supports during the slicing process.

Improved anti-aliasing

Antialiasing has new internal algorithms with improved greyscale management. This provides a smoother surface, and retains fine details while keeping an optimum surface fidelity from the original 3D model.

The legacy Anti Aliasing (V1) has been removed.

Objects List improvements

When working with multiple objects, the Object list can improve your workflow in many ways. With version 3.4, we made numerous changes to increase your productivity:


  • Click and drag on the visibility toggle “à la Photoshop”.
  • Use the CTRL and/or Shift key to make a complex selection.
  • Toggle their visibility in one click.
  • If you have a long file name, click and drag the right side of the window, or simply hover over the text to display the full file name.

The Objects list in action

New 3D printers

New printer profiles have been added. Support for modded 3D printers (mono screen upgrades) coming soon!

  • Uniz IBEE
  • Qidi Tech i-box
  • Peopoly Phenom XXL
  • Epax E10 5K
  • Tianfour H400

And more!

As usual, we’ve made multiple quality of life changes and small additions throughout the application. Here are a few more of the many improvements we’ve added to Lychee in version 3.4. 

You can find the full changelog with all minor additions and bug fixes on our Downloads page. 

  • New mini-theme editor, allowing you to change some colors in the 3D view.
  • New shortcuts added to the shortcut editor.
  • Improved island detection and its accuracy, especially in Real mode.
  • Users of the free version can now remove the 3D hollowing that was created in the free version.
  • Numerous improvements on recalculation of support bracing and parenting, particularly useful after rescaling the model.
  • New “Shift supports to new object center” function located in the Layout >> Object menu: This function corrects support shifting that sometimes occurs when reimporting a model.
  • You can now use the Shift + Up/Down key to go 5 by 5 layers with the clipping bar.

Lychee Slicer 3.4 is now available for all users, either as a free version or with a Pro subscription. Download the latest version from our download center right now or update directly from Lychee Slicer.

We’d love for you to join our community on our Discord server, it’s completely free! Several thousand users are exchanging ideas and sharing their 3D printing experience with Lychee Slicer every day.

Publication date: June 23, 2021