Lychee Slicer Halloween
Lychee Slicer Halloween

*Knock knock knock… Trick or treat?*

The Spooky season has officialy started! As we can’t send you all candies, here is a special 3D treat for you! For this occasion we gathered a selection of 3D Models to give you chills!

Grenadier by CobraMode Miniatures

Grenadier by CobraMode

This little grenadier is about to explode! He will be your best ally in any fight you might encounter!

Credit: CobraMode Miniatures

Archer by Dice Heads

Archer by Dice Heads

Here is another backer for your fight and tabletop games! This bat Archer is here to defend its territory!

Credit: Dice Heads

Lychee Halloween

Halloween Lychee by Ars Moriendi

Who said that Lychees don’t like to party? Not us!
Ars Moriendi designed a special Halloween Lychee, ready to ask you for a treat!

Credit: Ars Moriendi

Witch by Gaz Minis

Witch by Gaz Minis

Need to cast a spell on somebody or get a special potion? No problem, you just need to ask a witch!

Credit: Gaz Minis

Magician cat by Kawna Minis

Magician Cat by Kawna Minis

What’s a witch without her cat? Nothing! So here is a cute little magician cat to assist in any preparations or chase away mice…

Credit: Kawna Minis

Lychee Halloween

Where can you get the 3D models? 

You can dowloand the 3D models by joining our Discord Server or our Facebook Group!

Once your printed them, don’t hesitate to share with us the final result! We would love to see your prints!

Switch on you printer, open your Lychee Slicer, and let’s start!
And don’t forget to share with us the final results of your print!