A new chapter in Lychee Slicer’s story!

At Lychee, we like to communicate. You probably know this if you are part of our Discord or Facebook communities, where many team members and I interact daily with you.

This is an important time to update you on what’s been happening here at Lychee.

Firstly, we would like to thank you. Lychee Slicer has transformed, strengthened, and become a leader in the past two years. Maybe not in terms of the number of downloads, but clearly in terms of popularity and feedback from you all on social media. And it is only possible with this feedback, interactions, pictures of your 3D prints, and requests for new features that this has been possible.

If you have been following our recent announcements on social media, you may have noticed some exciting changes here at Lychee. We hope these updates will change the way you print too. If you have however missed these announcements, then today I am happy to fill you in on a major evolution of Lychee Slicer, which in addition to bringing lots of great new features to resin 3D printing, will now also bring support to filament 3D printing too.

The first two prints I did with Lychee Slicer, with the first build. It was not perfect, but not too bad for a first print! (Artillery Sidewinder X1 @200 microns)

But why on earth did we do this when there are already many (free!) slicers for filament printers? The question deserves to be asked, especially since there are currently other very popular and quality solutions available; let’s not hide it.

The answer is simple: we wanted to!

Throughout the team here at Lychee, there are fans of all types of 3D printing and the Maker space. The team has figure sculptors, painters, electronics fans, videographers, illustrators, and so on. We work in this universe because we love it above all. And we’ve been printing in both resin and filament for years.


To best explain this, let me talk about Julien and myself a little so you can see our vision for the Lychee and to better understand our software.

Julien is our Chief Technical Officer (CTO), but above all co-founder of the company and creator of Lychee Slicer. Before founding the company, he worked for a filament 3D printer manufacturer and created his own resin 3D printer in his spare time. He didn’t just assemble components, he designed the entire machine top to bottom, including developing the motherboard, the operating system and of course, developing the slicer to go along with it. With this, ‘The Moka’ was born… and this in 2017!

The Moka First and last prototype. Full custom acrylic cover, 2K screen, touch screen (one of the first), also with a magnetic resin tank, running Mango OS.

On my end, I’m first and foremost a 3D sculptor/modeler who drifted into marketing and then management. After moving on from working at the leading publisher of 3d sculpting software, I became the CEO of Lychee Slicer. However, I’m not primarily a businessman. My passion is still sculpting, training, and sharing with others.
Thankfully I have the luxury of running, with the help of Julien and Clement, our president, a company that makes software that can convert designs, including mine, into real-world models and largely according to our vision. It couldn’t be better!

With this in mind, the addition of support for filament printers was just the logical next step in the evolution of Lychee Slicer.

So yes, we have work ahead of us to match other slicers. Now, do we want to take them on head-on? Not necessarily, as there is plenty of room for us all in the market. There is currently an impressive number of 3D printer users, and this number grows by the day. Many of these users just want to print without spending years tweaking a profile and just want their slicer to work from day 1. Or others, who want more control, but not too much, because the most important thing to them and many others is just being able to enjoy printing while not getting too frustrated by things becoming too technical. With this in mind, we integrated the filament slicer straight into the existing Lychee Resin slicer. Allowing for seamless transitioning between Resin and Filament slicing.

Before anyone asks, no, Lychee Slicer resin development will not stop, far from it. We will slow down a little bit in the immediate future to make the filament version stable and to integrate your first feedback as soon as possible. Both are equally important to us, and because of this, we have recently, thanks to your continued support, grown the team here at Lychee. With these extra team members, we have been able to bring you all these latest changes and will continue to do so into the future.

I want to thank the entire Lychee team, including those behind the scenes who keep the company moving forward. A lot of work has been done in the last two years to get us to where we are today. But also our families, who sometimes don’t see us too much, we thank them too.

I also want to thank the creator of Kiri:Moto, the slicing engine we use in Lychee Slicer, for his work and involvement. He is a person who is just as passionate as we are and who has done a phenomenal job and given us all his support. Now that the project has been announced, we will start publishing our changes and adding bricks to the building.
Don’t hesitate to look at his tools; there are some gems!

Now that the year 2022 is slowly ending and us announcing this big change, we are also getting ready to move on to other big projects while still actively continuing the development of Lychee Slicer, now both resin and filament!

Please take this opportunity to give us your thoughts on Discord and Facebook, we eagerly await your feedback.

Thanks to all of you for being a part of the Lychee family!

Thomas – CEO

If you want to discuss these topics with us, join our Discord server and chat with the Lychee Slicer team and community.

Lychee Slicer is available either as a free version or with a Pro subscription, for Resin and Filament 3D printers. Download the latest version from our download center or directly from the software.

Join our community now on our Discord server. It’s free and we are already several thousand to exchange and share around 3D printing with Lychee Slicer.

Publication date: 11/23/2022