
Lychee Slicer new Major Release : Filament and Resin!


You’ve waited for it, and here is the big reveal! Here is our new major version of Lychee Slicer, internally numbered 5.0. We have major additions, introduced a month ago through multiple public betas, that now come as stable… but we added the support of filament 3D printers as a public beta! And that’s a big change!

But Lychee Slicer remains the same: one application, but for two types of 3D printers, still in Free and Pro, with a Premium option. However, Pro is now specific to each type of 3D printer.

Below are all our latest additions for the resin features, but let’s talk about the 3D filament printers.

If you wish to follow our development more closely and access our betas, we invite you to join our Discord server.
Our Discord community is very active and most of the team is present daily alongside our users.

Lychee Slicer new release : Filament and Resin updates!

Here is our latest update for Lychee Slicer! There have been many improvements from the previous auto-update.
In case you missed it, we compiled all the latest improvements and new features in this post, so you can keep up to date and fully enjoy Lychee Slicer!

If you wish to follow our development more closely and access our betas, we invite you to join our Discord server.
Our Discord community is very active and most of the team is present daily alongside our users.

Lychee Slicer for Filament 3D Printers

In case you missed it since the last auto-update on Lychee Slicer, we have now a specific version for the Filament 3D Printers! As the Resin Slicer, it is available in a Free or Pro subscription.

Lychee Slicer for Filament 3D Printers have been release in November 2022; it is still brand new and many new features, updates and improvements are already on their way! We released this new update through a livestream, so if you missed it, you can rewatch it here!

Batch Tool in Lychee Slicer

Batch Tool

[Pro and Premium]

The Batch Tool is here to help you save time. With this feature, you can automate actions and tasks in order to focus on what’s really important for your 3D model preparation process.

Custom Filament 3D Printer

[Free, Pro and Premium]

Are you affraid of feeling stuck if you created your own Filament 3D Printer, or bought a new 3D Printer not yet supported and not being able to use it? With Lychee Slicer, you can create a Custom Filament 3D Printer easily in a few clicks. Just dial in your 3D Printer specifications and let’s print with Lychee Slicer!

Features and improvements for Lychee Slicer Resin

We are putting a lot of efforts in developping both Lychee Slicer Filament and Resin! In the last past releases, we developped new features and put a lot of efforts in improving and optimizing Lychee Slicer.

Currently, we are focusing a lot on improving Lychee Slicer in general. It means working a lot on the overall speed, stability, and any other kind of issues that are being faced by our users. We worked a lot for it, and it is only the beggining of theses improvements, so we hope you will like them!

Better Anti-Aliasing

[Resin – Free, Pro and Premium]

Anti-Aliasing has been enhanced and now provides better results along the XY plane. Also it improves the Blur antialiasing option that can be a good option for clean surfaces on models that don’t have tiny details. 

Nothing changes on the interface. It’s simply a better result for your 3D print. It is only the beginning of these improvements, and there will be more in the future, this is just the first stage.


We now have two Anti-Alliasing: the “HD Anti-Alliasing” and the “Normal Anti-Alliasing”. They are both giving good results, please note that the HD Anti-Alliasing takes more ressources, so make sure your computer can handle it! 


Major features additions to Lychee Slicer Resin and Filament

Suction Cup Detector

[Resin – Pro and Premium]

Have you ever said, “oh no, I think I forgot to add drain holes to my 3D print?” Well not anymore!
With this new feature, you can now detect if your print has suction cups that could lead to a print failure. Then, after adding holes to avoid this effect, you can reanalyze your model to ensure there won’t be any suction cups.

Planar Cut Tool

[Resin and Filament – Pro and Premium]

Wait, your 3D model is too big for your 3D printer? We’ve got your back!

With our new Planar Cut tool, you can define the position of the cutting plane then select the parts you want to split. Easy!

Split and Merge Tools

[Resin and Filament – Pro and Premium]

How many times have you needed to separate individual parts that are combined into a single model? Now separate them with a single click… Or if it’s the opposite and you want to merge multiple items into a single model, same process, a single click!

Better supports

More features have been added to give you more control over your support preparation


Inline Supports

[Resin and Filament – Pro and Premium]

Create supports on a line with simply a few clicks. A real time saver (dice creators will love that)!
[Watch the video]


Support Presets

[Resin and Filament – Pro and Premium]

Create and save your own support presets. No need to create them every time!
[Learn More on Lychee Slicer’s documentation]


Support Painting with Max Angle

[Resin and Filament – Pro and Premium]

Define angles to ensure you don’t draw the sides or border of your model. This is helpful for bases or to prevent you from going around a border!
[Learn More on Lychee Slicer’s documentation]

Other Improvements

To keep it short, we also made many other improvements in Lychee Slicer.

  • Support Painting and Inline supports are now avoiding holes while placing supports [Resin Only] 
  • Auto Arrange tool now better considers the shape of the model and is more effective. Magic features take advantage of this feature. [Resin Only] 
  •  Mirror tool is now in the World orientation and not anymore in the local one. [Resin and Filament] 
  • We made various performance improvements. They boost reactivity and process speed in multiple tools. Duplication, Arrange tool, supports addition, file loading, objects animation, and many more are benefitting! Stay tuned for our next update, which will improve even more!
  • We also added some optimizations and fixes: batch tool fixes; G-Code improvements; and many other fixes which will help you during your 3D printing!
3D Printers in Lychee Slicer

New 3D Printers added

Following some community requests, we have been adding more and more 3D Printers, for Filament and for Resin! The list is quite long, so you can directly see the full list of our latest additions in our changelog! And more to come in our next updates!

Discover Lychee Slicer Videos

More videos and tutorials

We are releasing more and more videos and tutorial. It was a request from our community, to gain more knowledge and keep up to date with the latest features. If you want to see the latest videos we released, you can go on our YouTube channel!

Bug fixes

We have addressed many bugs and issues, too many to list however here is a list of the most important ones.

  • Fixed models that were displayed as not fixed (red color) after reloading the scene have been fixed 
  • 3D printing time estimation with printers using two stages movements (CTB V4 and recent Anycubic printers)
  • Resin estimation included support resin consumption even if the scene didn’t have support. This has been fixed.
  • Supports were ignoring drain holes when located inside of a hollowed model.
  • Visual artifacts and slicing issues when having too many supports (and bracing) on top of each other.

As always, we’ve made multiple quality of life changes and smaller additions throughout the application. Here are a few more of the numerous improvements we’ve added to this version of Lychee Slicer. 

You can find the full changelog with all minor additions and bug fixes on our Downloads page. 

Lychee Slicer is available for all users, either as a free version or with a Pro with a Premium Option. Download the latest version from our download center right now or update directly from Lychee Slicer.

Don’t forget to share with us your feedback on this newest version in our Discord server and interact with the Team 🤩

Several thousand users exchange ideas and share their 3D printing experience with Lychee Slicer every day.

Happy Printing!
The Lychee Slicer Team